Insurance Academy

We have a strong understanding of solvency regimes, of the specificities of managing core and private portfolios with multiple insurance objectives. The AllianzGI Insurance Academy will help further embed that high level of insurance knowledge across the market, and provide a place for us to share knowledge on recent trends and changes in the industry.

  • This is the first module of our Insurance Academy, which comprises of several parts, each one covering different important topics to better understand our clients' needs. In this first session we are going to give an Introduction to the Insurance Academy, and have a first look at the “Three pillars that changed the world” (Solvency II).
    Duration: ~ 15 minutes



  • To complete the picture, in this module we are going to have a look at the other half of the Economic Balance Sheet: we will talk about the Valuation of Assets, compare them to the Liabilities, and introduce the Market Risk module.
    Duration: ~ 10 minutes



  • In this chapter we will solely focus on the liabilities. Understanding the liabilities is key to understanding the balance sheet movements. The reason for this is not as straightforward.
    Duration: ~ 10 minutes



  • This is a continuation of Part I on Solvency II and the question "Why does it cost money to invest?" for an insurance company.
    In this interactive module we are going to have a detailed look into the various sub-modules of the Solvency II market risk module.
    Duration: ~ 30 minutes



  • In this part of the insurance academy we will answer the question why the key Solvency II KPI – the SCR Ratio – for European insurance companies responded so differently during the Covid Crisis.
    Duration: ~30 minutes



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