Equities safer than bonds


We believe that sustainable investing can generate positive financial outcomes not just for our clients, but for the community at large.

  • Our earth and climate system is highly interconnected and therefore creates interdependencies. The cascading of negative effects is a fundamental risk to economies and societies. The earth's system will change, but we can influence the extent of these changes.
    Learn more about climate change from a scientific perspective in this interactive module.
    Duration: ~11 minutes



  • During the 2022 summit in Germany, the Group of Seven (G7) endorsed the Emerging Market Climate Action Fund (EMCAF) as an example of a concrete innovative and market-led approach to mobilise private investments for climate relevant infrastructure, and to enhance multilateral finance and collaboration. EMCAF was created in partnership by Allianz Global Investors and the European Investment Bank (EIB), and finances climate mitigation- and adaptation projects in emerging and developing countries, by supporting fund managers that develop commercially viable projects, particularly in clean energy and efficiency.
    Duration: ~20 minutes


  • Sustainable Investing considers both financial returns as well as social and environmental returns.
    To analyse a company’s sustainability footprint, financial factors and non-financial ESG factors are taken into account. Learn more about Sustainable Investing, and its importance within Allianz Global Investors (AllianzGI).
    Duration: ~ 20 minutes



  • Allianz Global Investors has long been a pioneer in ESG investing. We started our sustainable investing journey 20 years ago and have been a signatory to the United Nations Principal for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) since 2007.
    We believe that ESG investing can generate positive performance, not just for our investors, but for the community as a whole. In this interactive module, you will learn about ESG investing, its importance and relevance to Allianz Global Investors.
    Duration: ~ 12 minutes


  • The financial success is the logical consequence of a sensible ecological and social action.
    Get more information on how environmental, social and governance factors can be integrated seamlessly into investments. This module also looks at integrating material Environmental, Social and Governance risk considerations with investment analysis and decisions without constraining the investment universe.
    Duration: ~ 10 minutes



  • In this interactive module you will learn how the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs), defined by the UN are directly connected to impact investing.
    We explain the purpose of impact investing, what it means for the society, and how to achieve a measurable social or environmental impact.
    Duration: ~ 15 minutes



  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a list of 17 UN-defined goals addressing issues the world is currently struggling with and which must be addressed by 2030 to ensure a sustainable future for all.
    The 169 underlying targets aim to achieve many vital goals including zero hunger, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth and reduced inequality, to name a few. These goals also play an important role for Allianz Global Investors.
    In this interactive learning module you can learn more about this topic.
    Duration: ~ 20 minutes


  • What are the Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI) and what are today's key drivers for the rise of sustainable investing?
    Find answers in this interactive module, gain an understanding of what is needed to meet these principles and discover how Allianz Global Investors implements them, ensuring its leadership role in this field.
    Duration: ~ 17 minutes



  • Did you know that Allianz Global Investors takes an active apporach towards stewardship activities globally?
    Learn how Allianz Global Investors engages with the issuers it invests in, the different ways of engagement, and gain insights into the approach of proxy voting.
    Duration: ~ 15 minutes



For more information on Achieving Sustainability, please visit our dedicated webpage.

Important Information on the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s Anti-Greenwashing Rule: This page contains links to certain historical documents which were issued by Allianz Global Investors (AllianzGI) as at the date specified on each linked document, in relation to the products and services offered by AllianzGI. We believe that it is useful to clients to retain these documents on our website, for your information and reference purposes. Each such document was assessed as being compliant with prevailing regulatory requirements as at its date of issue, including that its contents are fair, clear, and not misleading.

As a result, such documents have not been reviewed in light of any subsequent regulatory guidance or market practice. Any persons accessing this page, and the documents made available on this page, should not seek to rely on such documents and should use them only for information or reference purposes. Any investment decision should be based exclusively on the formal offer and subscription documents/terms and conditions for the relevant investment product or service, and not these historical documents.

This is a marketing communication. The information contained in these modules is solely for educational and illustrative purposes and is not a recommendation to invest.


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